Virtue Vibes with Jarrod Blair
What you know you can’t explain, but you feel it. You felt it your entire life, that there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. -Morpheus
There is indeed something wrong with the world, and it's going to take honesty and clear reasoning to figure out how to improve it. Welcome to Virtue Vibes, the podcast where we think hard about how to be good.
Connect with me ;)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/VirtueVibes
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jarrodblair/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@VirtueVibes
Email: jarrod@virtuevibes.org
20 episodes
#20: Trans Regret, Recovery, and Reflection w/ Chloe Cole
Detransitioner Chloe Cole shares her story and critiques transgender ideology. We then reflect on some kernels of truth in the movement. Video version of this interview:
Episode 20

In this episode, I talk about some ways that self-expression can be a force for good in the world, and I put on full display my sick acapella skills. Mr. Rogers interview segment:
Episode 19

#18: Problems with "Homophobic," "Transphobic," and "Fatphobic" Accusations
In this episode, I discuss the ways that the terms "homophobic", "transphobic," and "fatphobic" often misconstrue what’s really going on in another person's mind. Outro music: "Modern Chillout (Future Calm)" by penguinmusic on Pixa...
Episode 18

#17: Morally Corrupting Entertainment
Is it wrong to watch depictions of evil in our entertainment? Can watching evil actions ever be beneficial? Can entertainment morally corrupt us? In this episode, I analyze some ways in which depictions of evil in our entertainment...
Episode 17

#16: Is It Wrong To Judge?
People often say things like "you shouldn't judge" or "don't be so judgmental," but what exactly does this criticism mean? Is it really immoral to form a belief about whether someone's actions were right or wrong? I think not. So in this episod...
Episode 16

#15: Encouraging Open and Honest Feedback
In this final episode of 2023, I share some reflections on the year as well as my appreciation for the Virtue Vibes podcast. Afterwards, I discuss how the philosophic spirit gets crushed by certain bad practices in conversations, l...
Episode 15

#14: Holiday Special - The Ethical Value of Traditions
Christmas and New Year's Eve are just around the corner, so today, we're going to be doing a holiday special of sorts. In particular, we’re going to talk about the ways that holiday traditions can help us to become better people.I’m goi...
Episode 14

#13: Physical Attraction and Shallowness
This episode is going to be pretty spicy in a variety of ways. That’s because we’re going to think about the role that physical attraction plays in romantic relationships. In particular, were going to zoom in on three related topics:Fir...
Episode 13

#12: How to Make Your Elderly Parents Miserable
How can we make our elderly parents miserable? Yup, you read that right. In their last few years here on earth, what can we say and do to our parents that will really make them feel lonely, helpless, and depressed. How can we talk in a way that...
Episode 12

#11: Reflections on Japanese Culture
Japan is a beautiful country with a very unique culture. In this episode, I reflect on my time living in Japan by discussing some cultural norms that I admire, as well as some that were quite frustrating. I also discuss how experiencing culture...
Episode 11

#10: Ethics, God's Commandments, and the Euthyphro Dilemma
Is an action right because the gods command it, or do the gods command it because it is right? This was the question posed by Socrates to a priest named Euthyphro over 2000 years ago, and it has become one of the most fam...
Episode 10

#9: The Ethics of Breakups - Should We Ghost Them?
Should we ghost people? Or should we explain why we're breaking up with them? We'll probably never see them again, so why not just disappear? Why go through the hassle of explaining? In this episode, we think through the ethics of ghosting, and...
Episode 9

#8: Bodies and Behaviors - Race, Sex, Culture, The N-Word, and Crossdressing
Why do we restrict some people from participating in certain cultures because of their race? Why do we restrict some people from wearing certain clothes because of their sex? In this episode, we cover some controversial questions about the rela...
Episode 8

#7: News, Politics, and Wisdom
How much attention should you pay to the news and political controversies? This question is more pressing than ever before. Many of us have electronic devices that grant us near-instant access to the never-ending dramas that are unfolding betwe...
Episode 7

#6: Do Facts Care About Your Feelings?
The slogan, "facts don't care about your feelings," which has been popularized by conservative political commentator Ben Shapiro, has gained a lot of traction in recent years. In this episode, I discuss what I take to be the underlying truth be...
Episode 6

#5: Encountering Homelessness with TJ Reed
What should you do when you see a homeless person? Should you just avert your eyes and pretend they aren't there? Or should you give them money? Will they just waste it on drugs? In this episode, TJ Reed and I think about various e...
Episode 5

#4: Compassionate Disagreement
When you're having a disagreement with someone about some ethical question, emotions like anger and disgust can flare up and completely hijack the conversation. In this episode, I’m going to make some observations that can help to calm these em...
Episode 4

#3: Credentials and Convincing
Who the heck is Jarrod Blair? And why in the world would anyone listen to what he has to say about being a good person? I made this episode for listeners who may be curious about my background and credentials. I discuss the ways in...
Episode 3

#2: Meaningful Compliments
Compliments are free to give, but they can really make someone's day. In this episode, we discuss how compliments that acknowledge someone's personality and their values, as opposed to just physical features they were born with (ex. eye color, ...
Episode 2

#1: Thinking Hard About How To Be Good
What does it mean to be a "good" person? Many people think they have the answers, but their ideas often contradict the ideas of others. This means that an awful lot of people are wrong. How can we sift through this noise and find the trut...
Episode 1